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Información del artículo

Título Assesing Methods for the Evaluation of the Configuration Space for Planar Revolute Manipulators
Autores Moreno, Vidal , Curto, Belén , Blanco, Francisco Javier
Resumen n this abstract it is presented the assesment of two different methods devoted to the evaluation of the configuration space for planar revolute manipulators. The formalism proposed in [3] for the evaluation of the C-space, when applied to planar revolute manipulators, is compared to a new method, which provides both better results and a way to generalize the evaluation for any kind of robotic structure.
Nombre de la revista Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
Número de la revista
Página de inicio 149
Página de finalización 156
Año 2004
Volumen 4
ISSN 1472-7978
Enlace http://iospress.metapress.com/link.asp?id=wyj4pgu8rx68amyu
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Número de citas 0