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Title Broadening the definition of a nervous system to better understand the evolution of plants and animals
Authors Sergio Miguel Tomé , Llinás, R.R.
Summary Most textbook definitions recognize only animals as having nervous systems. However, for the past couple decades, botanists have been meticulously studying long-distance signaling systems in plants, and some researchers have stated that plants have a simple nervous system. Thus, an academic conflict has emerged between those who defend and those who deny the existence of a nervous system in plants. This article analyses that debate, and we propose an alternative to answering yes or no: broadening the definition of a nervous system to include plants. We claim that a definition broader than the current one, which is based only on a phylogenetic viewpoint, would be helpful in obtaining a deeper understanding of how evolution has driven the features of signal generation, transmission and processing in multicellular beings. Also, we propose two possible definitions and exemplify how broader a definition allows for new viewpoints on the evolution of plants, animals and the nervous system.
Magazine name Plant Signaling & Behavior
Magazine number 10
Initial page 192756
End page
Year 2021
Volume 16
Last impact factors 2.247 (2020)
DOI 10.1080/15592324.2021.1927562
Link https://doi.org/10.1080/15592324.2021.1927562
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