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Title Multi-agent system application for music features extraction, meta-classification and context analysis
Authors Pérez-Marcos, J. , Jiménez-Bravo, D.M. , Paz, J.F. , Villarrubia, G. , Vivian López Batista , Gil, A. B.
Summary Manual music classification is a slow and costly process. Most recent works about music auto-classification such as genre or emotions make this process easier, but are focused on a single task. In this work, a music multi-classification platform is presented. This platform is based on multi-agent systems, allowing to distribute the extraction, classification, and service tasks among agents. The platform performs a musical genre and emotional classification and provides context information of songs from social networks such as Twitter and Last.fm. The methods chosen based on meta-classifiers to perform single-label and multi-label classification obtain great results. In the case of multi-label classification, better results are obtained than in other previous works.
Magazine name Knowledge and Information Systems
Magazine number 62
Initial page 401
End page 422
Year 2020
Last impact factors 2.936 (2019)
DOI 10.1007/s10115-018-1319-2
Number of appointments