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Información del evento

Tipo Congreso
Título The 1st International Electronic Conference on Information (IECI 2021)

The 1st International Electronic Conference on Information (IECI2021)is designed to bring together researchers working in the field to present and discuss their recent contributions without needing to leave the comfort of their home. Attending and participating in this online conference is free of charge.

Information has always been pervasive and omnipresent, but only recently has information become visible and people better understood its importance. As a result, the study of information only started in the 20th century, and researchers have suggested numerous concepts of information and created many theories of information, such as syntactic information theory, statistical information theory, semantic information theory, algorithmic information theory, and economic information theory, to name but a few. This diversity of information theories and concepts of information was unified by the general theory of information, which explained the essence of information, encompassed all other information theories, revealed physical and mental counterparts of information, and provided scientific explanations to many information mysteries.

In addition, the information approach has been exploited in many areas, such as physics, biology, and sociology.

We sincerely welcome you to take part in this conference, exchange and share ideas and experiences, discuss the latest developments, and identify future trends for information theory, information technology and applications as we continue to move forward.

We will make every effort to facilitate interaction and the exchange of ideas during the conference period. All presenters will have two options in the conference participation: either to prepare a poster or video of your presentation, which will be uploaded onto the conference platform in advance, for viewing by others during the conference period. We will announce further details of the technological requirements and schedule in due course.

The conference will consist of three sessions, which reflect the interdisciplinary nature of information and its applications:

Session A: Information Systems and Applications
Session B: Information Processes and Artificial Intelligence
Session C: Information Theory and Communications Technology

Fecha de Inicio 2021-12-01
Fecha de Finalización 2021-12-15
Lugar online
Enlace http://https://sciforum.net/event/IECI2021
Organizadores María N. Moreno García
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